Water Alarm Buyer's Guide
Reclaiming a finished basement from flood damage can be just as costly as finishing it in the first place.
A sump pump water alarm is an extra assurance and one of the most important precautionary measures to ensure you stop a flood before it starts. But, just because water alarms are an accessory doesn't mean they are not necessary.
Learn how to protect your basement, your home, and peace of mind with a sump pump alarm system.
Types of Water Alarm Systems
Traditional Water Alarms
The traditional type of water alarm only does one thing; alert you when water is present by beeping loudly from the sump pit in the basement. They're loud enough
(sometimes over 100 decibels) to hear on the second floor of your home. These are helpful tools if you're home to hear them, but are useless when you're away. These are the cheapest type of water alarm.
WiFi Sump Pump Alarms
Wifi sump alarms are installed in your sump pit and have features that enable you to receive text or email notifications even if your sump pump doesn't have the capability by itself. They are a less expensive alternative to buying a sump pump system with wifi integration, and you'll still be notified you if anything goes awry in your sump pit.
Some of the newer smart water alarms even come with integrated mobile apps that you can log into and monitor alarm (and sometimes pump) performance over time. These
smart alarms
make it even simpler to monitor your basement and get notified if anything goes wrong from anywhere you are. These alarms can be easily integrated with an existing sump pump, sewage pump, or other pump application.
Alarm Dialers
In addition to a sump pump alarm system, people who own rental properties or cabins often install a low-temperature
alarm dialer
inside the property to alert them if indoor temperatures drop below 42 degrees Fahrenheit. This was a popular alternative choice before wifi-capable alarms became commercially available on sump pumps.
Alarm dialers don't attach to your sump pump or pit, but instead alert you of temperature conditions when pipes could potentially freeze and burst, flooding the property when no one is around. These types of alarms are not wifi-capable and can only be connected to a landline phone line for dialing. They have the capability to call up to five phone numbers with an automated message so you can be aware of issues even when away from the property. They need to be installed in the area being monitored.
Benefits of Wifi Sump Pump Systems
If you still worry a sump alarm can fail, or want more than just a WiFi alarm, an Internet-connected sump pump is your answer. Innovative pump technology has made this possible and more convenient than ever to stay informed and up to date with the status of your sump pit. The moment a smart sump pump system detects high water levels, it will call, text or email you.
Wifi-enabled systems are available for primary sump pumps, backup sump pumps, and even combination sump pump systems.
- Smart Sump Alarm Systems Are Reliable-The water alarms noted above are made for monitoring high water levels, but they have their limitations by themselves. Wifi-enabled sump pumps with alarm systems built-in are a better choice because the whole system is integrated and built to function together.
- Wifi Sump Pump Systems Are Smart-Today's smart water alarms have options to send a call, text, or email notification immediately to you in the event it detects water in any area it shouldn't be.
- Smart Pump Systems Can Be Monitored-
In addition to getting these real-time updates, you can now check the diagnostics of your pump anytime on your smartphone through integrated apps and technology from elite manufacturers like Zoeller.
Final Thoughts on Water Alarms
Water alarms are a necessary part of every sump pump system. No matter if your sump pump has one built-in, you've installed a separate alarm in your sump pit, or you've got a traditional beeping water alarm unit, they are meant to warn you of dangerous flooding risks before they happen so you can react before the problems start.
After all, our pump experts tell folks all the time that whichever system you decide on, it's "the cheapest insurance policy money can buy."